Dear list!

Author: Yann Cézard <>
Number of patches: 1

This is an automated relay of the Github pull request:
   modescurity spoa (contrib) crash if Host header is absent in HTTP

Patch title(s): 
   If host header is NULL, don't try to strdup it.


Edit locally:
   wget && vi 86.patch

Apply locally:
   curl | git am -

   I discovered this bug when running OWASP regression tests against
   HAProxy + modsecurity-spoa (it's a POC to evaluate how it is working).
   I found out that modsecurity spoa will crash when the request doesn't
   have any Host header.
   ## Output of `haproxy -vv` and `uname
   All HAProxy version / bug is related to the modsecurity spoa
   (contrib) and present in all versions.
   ## What's the
   Not linked to any specific configuration, just
   using the modsecurity spoa makes it vulnerable to this bug.
   ## Steps to reproduce the behavior
   1. Install and configure
   the modsecurity spoa, configure haproxy to check all its request with
   modsecuirty (cf.
   b/modsecurity/README which by the way have some erronous information
   in it, I'll made another pull request later).
   If you don't want to
   bother with compiling and such, there is a pretty good Docker image
   there :
   spoa/blob/master/rootfs/Dockerfile. You'll stil have to configure
   HAProxy to use it, as explained in the README file.
   2. curl -i -H
   "Host:" http://your.haproxy.domain
   ## Actual behavior
   modsecurity spoa just crash.
   That could be annoying, even if it is
   configured to restart by itself (systemd or docker rule to do so),
   because during the time it gets up again, haproxy would not check the
   requests againts modsecurity (this could be mitigated by using an
   HAProxy rule rejecting all HTTP requests with no Host header). That
   means someone who wants to attack a site protected using HAProxy +
   modsecurity-spoa could disable modsecurity checks by doing HTTP
   requests without host, than all subsequent requests would be treated
   by HAProxy bypassing all modsecurity checks.
   ## Expected
   modsecurity does not crash, and if using the OWASP CRS
   rules, the request is blocked because it is missing the Host header.
   ## Do you have any idea what may have caused this?
   This is because
   in modsec_wrapper.c, at line 328, strlen(req->hostname) will crash
   because req->hostname is NULL.
   ## Do you have an idea how to
   solve the issue?
   Checking if req->hostname is NULL before trying
   to do the chunk_strdup.
     if (req->hostname != NULL) {
   req->parsed_uri.hostname = chunk_strdup(req, req->hostname,
        } else {
   req->parsed_uri.hostname = NULL;
   I tried that
   patch, it works fine, no crash, and the query is then correctly
   intercepted by the modsecuirty / CRS rules :
   [00] [client] ModSecurity: Warning. Operator EQ matched 0 at
   REQUEST_HEADERS. [file "/etc/modsecurity/owasp-modsecurity-
   crs/rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf"] [line "605"] [id
   "920280"] [msg "Request Missing a Host Header"] [severity "WARNING"]
   [ver "OWASP_CRS/3.1.0"] [tag "application-multi"] [tag "language-
   multi"] [tag "platform-multi"] [tag "attack-protocol"] [tag
   "WASCTC/WASC-21"] [tag "OWASP_TOP_10/A7"] [tag "PCI/6.5.10"] [hostname
   "c3cfbbe6058a"] [uri "";]
   [unique_id ""]
   This patch could be applyed to any versions of
   HAProxy proposing the modsecurity contrib.

   This github pull request will be closed automatically; patch should be
   reviewed on the haproxy mailing list ( Everyone is
   invited to comment, even the patch's author. Please keep the author and
   list CCed in replies. Please note that in absence of any response this
   pull request will be lost.

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