Hi Amin,

On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 12:23:53AM +0330, Amin Shayan wrote:
> Hello,
> I've several installations with different config and usage on 1.8.21 and no
> problem so far. I found one installation on a cluster of 6 servers, which
> all of them had one cpu core stuck at 100% and Idle_pct lower than 10.
> I've played with nproc and nbthread and other values with no luck so
> upgraded from 1.8.21 to 1.8.21-ba3abe-12 and it was the same.
> After comparing other installations with this one found that this is the
> only cluster with allow-0rtt enabled. removed allow-0rtt from bind options
> and it didn't happen in last 10 days!

Interesting! It means there could be something wrong in the handshake
processing such as an even which is not properly reset.

> Hope it helps to have more stable 1.8.22 :)

Probably much too early to say, unfortunately, since such bugs can take
a very long time to spot. But at least it does help to know that just
acting on this made a difference for you.


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