Nov 19, 2019 11:05:34 AM Micael Gillet :
> Hello, As part of a project, I have some questions about HAProxy's abilities.
> Could you confirm if HAProxy is able to handle the following points?
> * STP Protection (RSTP)
> * VLANs interfaces
This is to low level for HAProxy, IMHO.
> * HA Cluster in Active / Passive mode
Yes it's possible.
> * SNMP for monitoring
Not out of the box but with tools possible.
> * HealthCheck of LDAP services
> * Round robin and failover load balancing
> * Routing flows to a specific pool based on the source IP address
> * Filtering incoming flow by IP/port
Yes it's possible.
> * Oneconnect" type profile
Is this what you mean with that question?
It looks like you want to replace a F5 cluster.
I would recommend to get in touch with HAProxy Company for a proposal as I 
assume that the commercial product will fit in your requirements.
> Thanks for your support. Regards Micael Gillet
Regards aleks
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