❦  9 janvier 2020 20:07 +01, Tim Düsterhus <t...@bastelstu.be>:

> If you would package the haproxy-lua-http library for Debian
> (https://github.com/haproxytech/haproxy-lua-http) [1], what would you
> believe would be most "useful" / "in spirit of Debian packaging" / "your
> choice"?
> a) Install the library into the regular Lua library path, even if it
> would not be useful / broken outside of HAProxy. Using require within
> HAProxy simply works without doing anything.
> b) Install the library into a HAProxy specific Lua library path (e.g.
> /usr/share/haproxy/lua-path/) and add proper lua-prepend-path to
> HAProxy's default configuration. The user would need to copy that into
> their own configuration, otherwise things break.
> c) Install the library into a HAProxy specific Lua library path and add
> that path to HAProxy at compile time via a dedicated compile option. For
> the user it would work out of the box, similar to option (a), but it
> would not clutter the global Lua library path.
> d) Something entirely different.
> Best regards
> Tim Düsterhus
> [1] I'd like to see it packaged if something useful comes out of this
> discussion :-)

Sorry for the late answer! b) doesn't seem a good solution as it
prevents sharing configuration files between distributions. I think the
default prepend path should be a compile-time option (eg
`/usr/share/haproxy/lua`) but can be overriden with a specific
directive. Therefore, this is transparent for most users, but if a user
prefer to put additional stuff in another directory, it's still easily
Don't stop with your first draft.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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