
On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 03:15:57PM +0200, Domenico Briganti wrote:
> Ciao Marco,  thanks for your help.
> We've found the problem, we do need also the CRL from ROOT CA on top of
> the file passed to crl-file parameter, thant contein already the
> intermediate crl.
> But now we have another challenges, but we're going to loose this time
> as already discussed in [1] and [2].
> We proxy MQTT connections, and wa can't afford a restart of haproxy
> every day to force haproxy to take the updated CRL...
> Any help?
> Regards,Domenico
> [1] 
> https://discourse.haproxy.org/t/crl-reload-and-long-life-tcp-connections/2645/2[2
> ] 
> https://discourse.haproxy.org/t/ssl-termination-fails-when-crl-is-published/2336

Indeed a reload of HAProxy is still required, but that shouldn't be a
problem. With the reload, active connections won't be killed. 

You just need to configure the seamless reload by adding the option
"expose-fd listeners" to your stats socket line, this way you won't have
impact on your service.

There is currently some active development on the CLI for pushing
certificates on-the-fly, the CRL is not available for this yet, but
could be added in the future.


William Lallemand

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