
Am 21.04.20 um 20:49 schrieb Илья Шипицин:
> I thought of some more high level fuzzing without intercepting code path.
> for example, we know about range queries
> Range: bytes=0-1023
> i.e. bytes=(integer)-(integer)
> what if we send
> Range: bytes=1023-0
> or
> Range: bytes=1023
> or
> Range: bytes=abc-def
> and so on.
> it does not require any code modification. but proper workload generator
> should be chosen

That would not be the job of a fuzzer, but that of a HTTP compliancy
checker, because that deals with business logic. Someone would need to
encode all the rules and edge cases laid out in the RFC into a program,
like someone did for h2spec. You don't need to have any smartness within
that checker, sending static requests and reading the responses is
sufficient there.

A fuzzer attempts to generate data that trips over the input parsers in
a way a human would not think of, because it's not an "obvious" edge
case. For CVE-2018-14645 the bug would trigger when receiving values
exceeding the range of an int, which might be an obvious edge case for a
C developer, but is not something that's specifically acknowledged
within the H2 specification. Negative values however are clearly invalid
when talking about a byte range.

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

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