I would like to do reverse proxy with haproxy so that part of the path
resolves to the server and I need to do it dynamically, servers are
created and destroyed on the fly. And I need to do the path rewrite so
the server part is removed from the path (I can do that with
http-request set-path %[path,regsub(^/ws-.+\//?,/)] on the backend).

for example 'http://example.com/server-123abc/api/users' requests
server 'server-123abc' on '/api/users'

Is it possible to do this completely dynamic, without knowing server
adresses ahead (we generate them dynamically with "random" names) AND
without restarting haproxy to load new configuration? I was thinking
about some regex matching, but I don't know how to do dynamic server
address and if it is somehow possible.


Michal Vala
Software Engineer, Eclipse Che
Red Hat Czech

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