
On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 03:28:19PM +0300, tbn wrote:
> Hello list,
>    I saw William Lallemand's announcement regarding the possibility of
> loading dynamic ssl certificates right here
> https://www.mail-archive.com/haproxy@formilux.org/msg36927.html and
> the idea of having so much control over the haproxy instance was
> intriguing.
>    I've set up a test instance of the latest 2.2-dev9 to test out this
> feature and I seem to have hit a bump in the road. I am an usure if I
> misunderstood what was supposed to happen, or if I've stumbled across
> a bug. In my configuration file, I'm instructing haproxy to load all
> existing certificates from a folder and I'm trying to load a new
> certificate using the new "new ssl cert/add ssl cert/commit ssl cert"
> commands through the haproxy socket. The domain with the certificate
> loaded manually seems to have SNI problems until haproxy is restarted
> and the certificate is read from the crt folder.
>    I'm using foo.com and bar.com as example domains. The one that
> haproxy loads from the folder is generated and self-signed (foo.com),
> while the one I'm trying to load is valid and issued by let's encrypt
> (bar.com).
>    I've used a slight variation of the config file found in
> reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_cert.vtc as follows:
> ------------------------------------------------------[Start]------------------------------------------------------
> global
>         maxconn 4096
>         user root
>         group root
>         daemon
>         log local0 debug
>         stats socket "/tmp/stats" level admin
>         # Default SSL material locations
>         ca-base /etc/ssl/certs
>         crt-base /etc/ssl/private
>         tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
> defaults
>         log     global
>         mode    http
>         option  httplog
>         option  dontlognull
>         retries 3
>         option  redispatch
>         option  http-server-close
>         option  forwardfor
>         timeout connect 5000
>         timeout client  50000
>         timeout server  50000
> listen https-in
>         bind :443 transparent ssl strict-sni crt /etc/haproxy/ssl alpn
> h2,http/1.1
>         default_backend something
> backend something
>         mode http
>         server web check
> ------------------------------------------------------[End]------------------------------------------------------
> Haproxy starts succesfully and the pre-existing certificate in the
> /etc/haproxy/ssl is present and loaded:
> ------------------------------------------------------[Start]------------------------------------------------------
> ]# haproxy -d -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
> Available polling systems :
>       epoll : pref=300,  test result OK
>        poll : pref=200,  test result OK
>      select : pref=150,  test result FAILED
> Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll.
> Available filters :
>         [SPOE] spoe
>         [COMP] compression
>         [TRACE] trace
>         [CACHE] cache
>         [FCGI] fcgi-app
> Using epoll() as the polling mechanism.
> ------------------------------------------------------[Middle]------------------------------------------------------
> ]# echo -e "show ssl cert" | socat /tmp/stats stdio
> # filename
> /etc/haproxy/ssl/foo.com.pem
> ]# echo -e "show ssl cert /etc/haproxy/ssl/foo.com.pem" | socat /tmp/stats 
> stdio
> Filename: /etc/haproxy/ssl/foo.com.pem
> *Status: Used*
> Serial: DA0AD0EC8F6C0C30
> notBefore: Nov  8 15:31:08 2019 GMT
> notAfter: Dec  8 15:31:08 2019 GMT
> Subject Alternative Name:
> Algorithm: RSA2048
> SHA1 FingerPrint: 81D4AF40722F5F7C704E3327C5695F78DA6DC1E0
> Subject: 
> /C=RO/ST=SomeState/L=Locality/O=OrganizationalOrg/OU=OrzanizatoricUnit/CN=foo.pem
> Issuer: 
> /C=RO/ST=SomeState/L=Locality/O=OrganizationalOrg/OU=OrzanizatoricUnit/CN=foo.pem
> ------------------------------------------------------[End]------------------------------------------------------
> Certificate status is "Used", browser loads "foo.com" with the proper
> certificate"
> Next I've tried inserting "bar.com" into a running haproxy:
> ------------------------------------------------------[Start]------------------------------------------------------
> ]# cat /root/certificates/bar.com/fullchain.pem
> /root/certificates/bar.com/privkey.pem | sed '/^$/d' >
> /etc/haproxy/ssl/bar.com.pem
> ]# echo -e "new ssl cert /etc/haproxy/ssl/bar.com.pem" | socat /tmp/stats 
> stdio
> New empty certificate store '/etc/haproxy/ssl/bar.com.pem'!
> # echo -e "set ssl cert /etc/haproxy/ssl/bar.com.pem <<\n$(cat
> /etc/haproxy/ssl/bar.com.pem)\n" | socat /tmp/stats stdio
> Transaction created for certificate /etc/haproxy/ssl/bar.com.pem!
> ]# echo -e "commit ssl cert /etc/haproxy/ssl/bar.com.pem" | socat
> /tmp/stats stdio
> Committing /etc/haproxy/ssl/bar.com.pem
> Success!
> ------------------------------------------------------[End]------------------------------------------------------
> Everything seems to have worked successfully, although the certificate
> shows up as "Unused":
> ------------------------------------------------------[Start]------------------------------------------------------
> ]# echo -e "show ssl cert /etc/haproxy/ssl/bar.com.pem" | socat /tmp/stats 
> stdio
> Filename: /etc/haproxy/ssl/bar.com.pem
> *Status: Unused*
> Serial: 0315D3DD8EAB437293870474AB2B7055699B
> notBefore: Jun 16 20:30:03 2020 GMT
> notAfter: Sep 14 20:30:03 2020 GMT
> Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*.bar.com, DNS:bar.com
> Algorithm: RSA2048
> SHA1 FingerPrint: 5AEECEA0218C07B8D9E4D1B248FB1614C32B79DE
> Subject: /CN=bar.com
> Issuer: /C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
> Chain Subject: /C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
> Chain Issuer: /O=Digital Signature Trust Co./CN=DST Root CA X3
> ------------------------------------------------------[End]------------------------------------------------------

With these commands you created a certificate storage, but the
certificate is unused because it is not associated with any bind
line. To do so, you should add your certificate to a crt-list or a

In your configuration file, "/etc/haproxy/ssl/" is the directory
associated to your bind line. To associate this file to your directory
you must do:
"add ssl crt-list /etc/haproxy/ssl/ /etc/haproxy/ssl/bar.com.pem" 

as documented here:



William Lallemand

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