On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 10:37 PM Julien Pivotto <roidelapl...@inuits.eu> wrote:
> I'm with Lukas on this. 2.1 is a strong release, and we should be
> grateful for everyone which is using that release, as their feedback is
> valuable for the building the next releases of HAProxy.

My apologies if the message sounded ungrateful, for rolling out new
changes and testing. As the latest 2.2.0 release did show just
recently, there is great benefit in people running upcoming (new)

On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 10:29 PM Lukas Tribus <lu...@ltri.eu> wrote:
> 2.1 is not a technical preview, it's a proper release train with full
> support. Support for it will cease in 2021-Q1, but I don't think you
> can conclude that that means it's getting less love now.

My "technical preview" wording and the release ramp-down expectation
was somewhat based on past release lines, such as the 2.1.0 ANNOUNCE
saying "2.1 is a stable branch that will be maintained till around Q1
2021, and is mostly aimed at experienced users, just like 1.9 was" and
the 2.0.0 ANNOUNCE saying "As most of you know, 1.9 will not be
maintained for a long time and should mostly be seen as a
technological preview or technical foundation for 2.0."

I do recognize the 2021Q1 commitment of maintenance. If the release
velocity is indeed to be expected from the team for the 2.1 line then
apologies for my doubt on the priorities/time allocation.

On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 10:37 PM Julien Pivotto <roidelapl...@inuits.eu> wrote:
> I am not yet confident to run 2.2 in prod yet, but I will roll out 2.2
> in non-prod env soon.

On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 10:29 PM Lukas Tribus <lu...@ltri.eu> wrote:
> I would be reluctant to suggest upgrading mission-critical setups to
> 2.2, it's not even a month old at this point. Unless you expect to run
> into bugs and have time and resources to troubleshoot it.

Everyone should, of course, evaluate their upgrade strategies
themselves. I did not intend that to be a general advisory to "upgrade
all the things". Instead I was attempting to pose a legitimate
question out of interest as to whether there are any blockers for a
2.2 LTS migration from 2.1, considering they had already upgraded from
the 2.0 LTS.

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