I upgraded the server to the 2.2 LTS version and i have the same behaviour in 
that version.

If needed i can provide a testing environment. 

Kind Regards, 
Bram Gillemon

> On 5 Aug 2020, at 11:28, Oliver Kelly <oeke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I too am seeing this issue with with haproxy 1.8.26-1ppa1~bionic on Ubuntu 
> 18.04.4 LTS.
> On Chrome (84.0.4147.105), this results in the 'net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR 
> 200' console error, either on the primary page load or on load of other page 
> resources. In Firefox (79.0), no console errors are reported but loading of 
> some resources must be impacted, as either the page render is off due to CSS 
> issues, or page JS interactions don't work as expected.
> I was tempted to try rolling back to 1.8.25, however in testing I noticed 
> that haproxy log records a 'CD' status:
> Aug  5 19:25:17 XX haproxy[1219]: 
> <> [05/Aug/2020:19:25:17.077] http-https-vip~ 
> XX-pool/XX-01 0/0/0/6/6 200 16754 - - CD-- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET 
> /sites/default/files/js/js_b5CVpcMqsurBS2z_ljLBm79RgnowXJ_h8ce_XBlFrNg.js 
> HTTP/1.1"
> I believe this is due to the client prematurely closing the connection. As a 
> hunch, I disabled http/2 protocol, and the situation was resolved in both 
> Chrome and Firefox.
> I have seen no mention of this issue on the Issue Tracker and was about to 
> create a new Issue, when the template told me to check the mailing list first.
> Any instructions on how to capture additional information to assist with the 
> issue would be appreciated. At this stage this is affecting live traffic and 
> so I am going to either disable http/2 or upgrade to 2.x.
> Cheers,
> Oliver Kelly

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