
I need your help on configuring servers backup in a backend.
This is my current (simplified) backend setup :

backend ws_be
        mode http
        option redispatch
        cookie c insert indirect nocache attr "SameSite=Lax"
        balance roundrobin
        server s1 cookie s1 check
        server s2 cookie s2 check
        option allbackups
        server sb1 cookie s1 check backup
        server sb2 cookie s2 check backup

FYI, the servers of this backend are node.js processes (dynamic content
and websockets).
Case 1 : If s1 or s2 is DOWN all the connexions are redispatched to the
remaining UP server (s1 or s2).
Case 2 : If s1 AND s2 are DOWN, all the connexions are redispatched on
sb1 and sb2 backup servers.

In the second case, the global application performance is similar to the
normal situation where all main servers are UP.
However, in the case one, the application performance can be degraded
because there is only one server serving requests instead of two (and
backup servers are inactive).
I would like to modify the current setup so if there is a main server
down, it's at once replaced by a backup server and all the connexions
redispatched from DOWN server to a backup server.
Of course, there may be variations :
- 1 main server DOWN -> Corresponding backup server activated
- 1 main server DOWN -> all backup servers activated
- 1 main server DOWN -> some backup servers activated

Any idea on how to achieve this ?

Best regards,

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