On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 10:11:19AM +0100, Maciej Zdeb wrote:
> Wow, that's it! :)
>    0x000055d94949e965 <+53>: addl   $0x1,%fs:0xfffffffffffdd688
>    0x000055d94949e96e <+62>: callq  0x55d9494782c0 <realloc@plt>
>    0x000055d94949e973 <+67>: subl   $0x1,%fs:0xfffffffffffdd688
> [...]
>    0x000055d94949e99f <+111>: ja     0x55d94949e9b0 <hlua_alloc+128>
>    0x000055d94949e9a1 <+113>: mov    %rbx,%rdi
>    0x000055d94949e9a4 <+116>: callq  0x55d949477d50 <malloc@plt>
>    0x000055d94949e9a9 <+121>: test   %rax,%rax
> [...]
>    0x000055d94949e9c1 <+145>: addl   $0x1,%fs:0xfffffffffffdd688
>    0x000055d94949e9ca <+154>: callq  0x55d949477b50 <free@plt>
>    0x000055d94949e9cf <+159>: subl   $0x1,%fs:0xfffffffffffdd688


> Ok I'll make hlua_not_dumpable volatile instead of applying compiler
> barriers.

Yes, it's safer for the long term as nobody will have to think about
it anymore. We'll have to integrate this one as well.

I'm wondering how many programs do *really* benefit from having gcc have
a builtin malloc that bypasses the library-provided allocator, compared
to all the ones experiencing pain and breakage, especially when using a
non-legacy allocator or a debug-enabled one :-/


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