Thanks for all of the responses! So the image version number for HAProxy stays 
the same but the hash will update?

> On Mar 25, 2021, at 9:03 AM, Tim Düsterhus <> wrote:
> Paul,
> On 3/25/21 4:46 PM, Paul Lockaby wrote:
>> As a lurker on this list I've always kind of wondered what the policy
> is for releasing new containers to address security patches on
> dependencies like this. I'm not sure who maintains the "official"
> containers for HAProxy but would they do a re-release of the latest
> versions to include a patch on a dependency like OpenSSL?
> The 'haproxy' image for Docker is maintained by the Docker Official
> Images Team [1] [2]. They also handle the necessary rebuilds when the
> base image changes. I maintain 2 images as part of the Official Images
> program and also contribute to the HAProxy image via Pull Requests. I am
> not part of the DOI Team, though.
> Independently from your email I already asked in their IRC whether the
> 'debian' base image is going to be rebuilt due to the OpenSSL update.
> This would then cause a rebuild of the 'haproxy' image.
> For the images that contain a username (e.g. timwolla/haproxy) the
> authors are responsible to trigger a rebuild.
> Best regards
> Tim Düsterhus
> [1]
> [2]

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