On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 09:55:15AM -0700, Nathan Konopinski wrote:
> Thanks Willy, that is what I'm seeing, capture attached. Clients only send
> GETs, no POSTs. What are possible workarounds? Is there a way to ignore the
> client close and keep the connection open longer?

It's not what happens here, I'm not seeing any request. There's a TLS
exchange and immediately the client closes after the handshake without
sending a request. There might be something the client doesn't like,
such as a cipher or something like this. What's surprising is that the
client doesn't close after a response but after sending its final
handshake. Out of curiosity, are you sure this is a valid client that
produced this trace ? Maybe it's just a random scanner that sent a
request to your site?

> I'm wondering if nginx is
> doing something like that since we don't see issues with it.

It's difficult to say for now, especially since this trace doesn't show
a request but a spontaneous close.

Have you tried to temporarily disable your ssl-default-bind-options
directive ? Maybe the client doesn't like the no-tls-tickets for
example ?


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