
On 4/11/21 12:28 PM, Aleksandar Lazic wrote:
Agree. I have now rethink how to do it and suggest to add a output type.

   The <json_path> and <output_type> are mandatory.
   This converter uses the mjson library
   This converter extracts the value located at <json_path> from the JSON
   string in the input value.
   <json_path> must be a valid JsonPath string as defined at

   These are the possible output types.
    - "bool"   : A boolean is expected;
    - "sint"   : A signed 64bits integer type is expected;
    - "str"    : A string is expected. This could be a simple string or
                 a JSON sub-object;

   A floating point value will always be converted to sint!

The converter should be able to detect the type on its own. The types are part of the JSON after all! The output_type argument just moves the explicit type specification from the converter name into an argument. Not much of an improvement.

I don't know how the library works exactly, but after extracting the value something like the following should work:

If the first character is '"' -> string
If the first character is 't' -> bool(true)
If the first character is 'f' -> bool(false)
If the first character is 'n' -> null (This should probably result in the converter failing).
If the first character is a digit -> number

+    { "json_string", sample_conv_json_string, ARG1(1,STR), sample_check_json_string , SMP_T_STR, SMP_USE_CONST },

While testing something I also just notice that SMP_USE_CONST is incorrect here. I cannot apply e.g. the sha1 converter to the output of json_string.

Okay. I will change both to SMP_T_ANY because the return values can be bool, int or str.

The input type should remain as SMP_T_STR, because you are parsing a JSON *string*.

While implmenting the suggested options abouve I stuggle with checking the params. Arg0 is quite clear but how make a efficient check for Arg1, the output type?

The efficiency of the check is less of a concern. That happens only once during configuration checking.

/* This function checks the "json_query" converter's arguments.
static int sample_check_json_query(struct arg *arg, struct sample_conv *conv,
                            const char *file, int line, char **err)
         if (arg[0] == 0) { /* empty */
                 memprintf(err, "json_path must not be empty");
                 return 0;

                 /* this doen't work */
         int type = smp_to_type[arg[1].data.str.area];

The output_type argument should not exist. I'll answer the question nonetheless: You have to compare strings explicitly in C. So you would have use strcmp for each of the cases.

         switch (type) {
         case SMP_T_BOOL:
         case SMP_T_SINT:
             /* These type are not const. */

         case SMP_T_STR:


I would to the conversation from double to int like "smp->data.u.sint = (long long int ) double_val;" is this efficient. I haven't done this for a long time so I would like to have a "2nd eye pair" on this.

I'd probably return a double as a string instead. At least that doesn't destroy information.

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

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