On 30.04.21 02:01, Aleksandar Lazic wrote:

I think about to integrate the "l8w8jwt_decode(...)" into HAProxy.

The RS* methods requires some "RSA_PRIVATE_KEY[] = ..." and I'm not sure
what's the best method for a sample to read such a key in HAProxy converters.

My suggestion for the converter name.

jwt_verify(alg,key) : boolean

Example call:
http-request set-var(txn.jwt_verified) 
http-request set-var(txn.jwt_verified) 

Any opinions?

Some more examples and questions.

I have such a sequence in mind.

# check if the request have a Bearer Token
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750
acl bearer_header_exist if req.hdr(Authorization) -m beg Bearer

# Get the right HMAC or PEM-File into the variable jwt_verify_value
http-request set-var(txn.jwt_verify_value) 
req.hdr(host),map_str(jwt_pem.lst),read_file_to_string if bearer_header_exist

# Extract the JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) from Bearer Token.
http-request set-var(txn.jwt_algo) 
req.hdr(Authorization),word(1,.),ub64dec,json_query('$.alg')   if 

# Verify the JWT Token with the right HMAC and PEM
http-request set-var(txn.jwt_check) 
                  if  bearer_header_exist { 
jwt_valid_algo(%[var(txn.jwt_algo)]) }


jwt_valid_algo will be similar like fix_is_valid.
jwt_valid_algo will check if the '$.alg' is a supported JSON Web Algorithms

Do I need to call some functions in the converters (jwt_verify,jwt_valid_algo) 
to lookup '%[var(...)]'?
I haven't found a function which do the read_file_to_string, does such a 
function exist in HAProxy?
Can I create a $MAP or $DATA_STRUCTURE to prevent to read the file on very 
Is there a max size of a variable in HAProxy?

Any feedback is very welcome.


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