On Wed, Feb 08, 2023 at 11:37:11AM +0100, Thomas Pedoussaut wrote:
> On 08/02/2023 10:09, Aurelien DARRAGON wrote:
> > > In fact at some point I had a backend with 5 srv from config + 3
> > > dynamically inserted. Those new ones got about 50 requests pushed to
> > > them, until they reaches the slowstart delay(I think, must investigate
> > > more), when they stopped being selected for new connection. The status
> > > was L7OK for the 8 srv regardless of the way they arrived.
> > You're right, I made the same observation during the tests but I forgot
> > to mention it:
> > A server that is in STARTING phase is immune to this issue: it only
> > occurs when server state is RUNNING (either when no slowstart delay is
> > specified, or at the end of the slowstart period if specified)
> > 
> > Also, last observation: if you remove the maxconn on a "buggy" server
> > (that previously had the maxconn set using the cli):
> > 
> > echo "set maxconn server farm/t1 0" | nc -U /tmp/ha.sock
> > 
> > The issue is gone: you can set the maxconn back to a positive value
> > without problems.
> > 
> > I'll keep investigating by looking at the code :)
> > 
> I made another test, inserted a new server without maxconn, it rightfully
> took traffic, then adjusted maxconn to a positive integer and it continued
> to work.
> I have a good workaround now for my setup, where would be the best place to
> document it ?

Have you seen my previous message about minconn very likely being
the culprit ? Once confirmed we'll need to fix it, so it doesn't even
need to be documented (since we prefer to fix bugs rather than document
how to work around them :-)).


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