Hello everyone,

I have been using Haproxy for years but I still have trouble understanding this part of the documentation:

7.2. Using ACLs to form conditions

A condition is formed as a disjunctive form:

   [!]acl1 [!]acl2 ... [!]acln  { or [!]acl1 [!]acl2 ... [!]acln } ...

first it does not work "as is" if i try something like that:

tcp-request connection reject if { or blacklist_manual tor_ips } !whitelist

it leads to : error detected in frontend 'http_all' while parsing 'if' condition : unknown fetch method 'or' in ACL expression 'or'.

tcp-request connection reject if { blacklist_manual || tor_ips } !whitelist does not work eather.

At the end i write something like that:

tcp-request connection reject if blacklist_manual !whitelist || tor_ips !whitelist

It works but i'm still uncomfortable as i'm not really sure if it's treated like this : (blacklist_manual !whitelist) || (tor_ips !whitelist)

The documentation on this topic should perhaps be improved, with more examples with mixed AND/OR. Explain the priority for this type of operators, and explain what the {or [ !]acl1 [ !]acl2 ... [!]acln } really means

Thanks !

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