Hi Mike,

On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 01:58:00PM -0700, Mike Benoit wrote:
> Upon further investigation, the following has been discovered, but still no
> real resolution:
> The backend server doesn't matter, we moved a large .JS file to another
> server and the exact same issue occurred. Since the issue didn't occur when
> HAProxy was in TCP mode, we figured this would be the case.
> When downloading the file from a web browser on the specific device in
> question it failed everytime. On the same device if we used WGET, it would
> fail randomly, but often it automatically retried and finished downloading
> successfully, ie:
> WGET failed with connection closed at byte 342424. Retrying.
> 206 Partial Content response, downloaded remaining 18209 bytes.
> When we disabled mod_deflate in Apache on the backend server, the issue
> resolved itself immediately.

OK so this is definitely related to chunking only.

> In Apache if I set: DeflateBufferSize 1000000 (JS file is about 363K), then
> the error changes from a chunked error to ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH.

Interesting, this would mean that a content-length is produced despite
the chunked encoding. But in any case we need to figure what's happening.

> We attempted an HAProxy developer trace, but I'm not sure I got all the
> data, or if there was other requests mixed up in it:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GUZqjkl361O2kSejPI4jv-ioB_8VjBtq/view?usp=share_link

Thanks for getting this trace, we'll have a look at it.


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