On 11/07/2023 22:22, Shawn Heisey wrote:
On 7/11/23 01:30, Remi Tricot-Le Breton wrote:
The OCSP update mechanism uses the internal http_client which then uses the resolvers. The only time when I had some strange resolver-related issues is when the name resolution returned IPv6 addresses which were not properly managed on my machine. The workaround I had in this case was to add "httpclient.resolvers.prefer ipv4" in the global section.

That directive didn't work in "global" but it was accepted when I moved it to "defaults".  But it didn't change the behavior.  IPv6 is completely disabled on the server.

Didn't work as in an error was raised ? I have a local configuration file with this option in the global section and it seems to work fine.

You could also try to perform the same kind of request using the http_client directly from the CLI.

Can you explain how to do this?  When I make the request with curl, it works, but I don't know how to do what you are saying here.

You can use the "httpclient" CLI command this way:
echo "expert-mode on; httpclient GET http://r3.o.lencr.org/MFMwUTBPME0wSzAJBgUrDgMCGgUABBRI2smg%2ByvTLU%2Fw3mjS9We3NfmzxAQUFC6zF7dYVsuuUAlA5h%2BvnYsUwsYCEgOq9K0xVAXkgj8X4cNGeMutQw%3D%3D"; | socat <your_stat_sock> -

It probably won't work either but at least you will have an easier way of testing the resolvers outside of the OCSP update. Apart from a specific configuration on your system I don't really see a reason why your tests fail somewhere and work correctly on another machine.

Everything works on another server running a newer version of Ubuntu. That uses a newer version of gnu libc, which affects pretty much everything on the system, and a large number of other libraries are newer as well.


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