Hi Aleksandar,

> On 20 Nov 2023, at 17:18, Aleksandar Lazic <al-hapr...@none.at> wrote:
> at configuration Change the reload leaves the old processes alive until 
> "hard-stop-after" value and after that is the connection terminated which 
> does not looks like that the connection was takeover to the new process. The 
> use case was log shipping with HAProxy with mode tcp, as far as I have 
> understood the author in a proper way.

Is that new behavior? Because I was under the impression that this is by design

If the new process took over an existing L4 connection, it seems like it’d 
cause strange behavior in quite a few cases due to configuration changes.

Either haproxy tries to reuse all old values and essentially needs to fork the 
new process for takeover (which then is equivalent to the current old process 
living for a while), or it applies new values to the existing connection 
(assuming it’s even possible in all cases) which is likely to just break it 
(removed frontend, backend, or server; or timeouts changes, etc etc).

Seems like it’s just a design choice to me [1] and that HAProxy’s approach is 
sort of the only sane one…
Ofc that means potentially a lot of old processes, hence hard-stop-after and 
max-reloads as tunables.

Now in a k8s environment I can imagine high churn in pods causing a lot of 
server changes and making this a problem, but the official ingress controllers 
seems to generally mitigate it by using the runtime api when it can instead of 
hard reloads, and only using the latter in limited cases 🤔
Maybe the used the « community » ingress controller (bless their maintainer, 
it’s not a jab at it) which does rely more on hard reloads

Either way, sounds unlikely to be a fix for it?


[1]: Also a bit out of topic but I always found ~infinite duration TCP 
connections to be a very strange idea… So many things can go wrong (and will go 
wrong) if you depend on it… at least it’s never going to be as reliable as 
client side retries or moving to UDP where possible…

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