Hi all,

With the ever-increasing threat of one day needing to give up on OpenSSL 1.1.1 (whenever the next bad CVE is found on QuicTLS 1.1.1w, essentially) I was looking at alternatives a bit closer.

Based on the wiki, https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/20286#issuecomment-1527869072, and that it has support for other features I'm interested in (notably ECH), WolfSSL seems by far my best bet at the moment.

However, given that almost everything is compile time and defaults focus on suitability for constrained embedded environments rather than best big-proxy-server oriented performance, does anyone have pointers on what flags are important/traps/etc?

Besides the getrandom thing, HAProxy's INSTALL/wiki only vaguely mention that such build-time tuning is required, so I'm hoping someone might have gone through that already.

This one is a bit extra, but considering that aiming for bleeding edge with WolfSSL is not entirely compatible with how most distros work (ie even if it was packaged, it's likely going to be perpetually quite far behind), what does the future look like in that regard from the distros' side?


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