Hello everyone,

I’m hardening HAProxy for CVE-2002-20001 (DHEAT attack) at the moment.

For TLS 1.2 I’m using the “tune.ssl.default-dh-param” option to limit the key 
size to 2048 bit so that an attacker can’t force huge keys and thus lots of CPU 
cycles on the server.

However, I’ve noticed that the property has no effect on TLS 1.3 connections. 
An attacker can still negotiate an 8192-bit key and brick the server with 
relative ease.

I’ve found an OpenSSL blog article about the issue:   

As it seems, this used to be a non-issue with OpenSSL 1.1.1 because it only 
supported EC groups, not finite field ones but in OpenSSL 3.x it is again 
possible to select the vulnerable groups, even with TLS 1.3.

The article mentions a way of configuring OpenSSL with a “Groups” setting to 
restrict the number of supported DH groups, however I haven’t found any HAProxy 
config option equivalent.

The closest I’ve gotten is the “curves” property: 

However, I think it only restricts the available elliptic curves in a ECDHE 
handshake, but it does not prevent a TLS 1.3 client from selecting a non-ECDHE 
prime group, for example “ffdhe8192”.

The article provides example configurations for NGINX and Apache, but is there 
any way to restrict the DH groups (e.g to just ECDHE) for TLS 1.3 for HAProxy, 

Best Regards,

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