
Updated patch.


Set the right 'X' for upstream-proxy-header
removed the upstream-proxy.png from patch
git-format against latest master

Any feedback and help is really appreciated.

Best regards

On 2024-06-13 (Do.) 03:00, Aleksandar Lazic wrote:

New Version.


I have now added a small diagram and doc for the upstream feature.

The Successful connection check is now.
ist("HTTP/1.1 200")

Added some "if(!chunk_memcat(..)){}"


On 2024-06-13 (Do.) 01:24, Aleksandar Lazic wrote:

Thanks for testing and feedback.

On 2024-06-12 (Mi.) 20:35, Dave Cottlehuber wrote:
On Wed, 12 Jun 2024, at 13:04, Aleksandar Lazic wrote:

Attached a new version with updated upstream-proxy.cfg.

This Patch have also the feature `upstream-proxy-target` to get rid of the
dependency for the srv->hostname.

tcp-request content upstream-proxy-target www.test1.com

Now have I tested the setup with `` as server.

server https_Via_Proxy1 upstream-proxy-tunnel

@Dave: Can you use a name for the upstream-proxy-tunnel instead of IP?

Yes, it does the DNS lookup happily, and I can pass secret via env. nice!

That's great :-)

----------- 8< -----------
frontend stream_fe
   bind            :::443        v4v6
   mode tcp
   option tcplog
   default_backend stream_be

backend stream_be
   mode tcp
   tcp-request content upstream-proxy-header Host www.httpbin.org
   tcp-request content upstream-proxy-header "$AUTH" "$TOKEN"
   tcp-request content upstream-proxy-header Proxy-Connection Keep-Alive
   tcp-request content upstream-proxy-target www.httpbin.org
   server stream www.httpbin.org:443 upstream-proxy-tunnel "$PROXY":10000
----------- 8< -----------

So this looks good, we send the right headers now thank-you!

Upstream proxy replies "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" which seems legit.

But then haproxy sends RST, instead of the buffered proxy data.

After a a bit more tcpdump & code reading, I made a small
modification in conn_recv_upstream_proxy_tunnel_response/2

struct ist upstream_proxy_successful = ist("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");

and then I get actual data back through the proxy - great!

This seems ok according to

"Any 2xx (Successful) response indicates that the sender (and all inbound proxies) will switch to tunnel mode immediately after the response header section ..."

Is it possible to read up to "HTTP/1.1 200" and then ignore everything
up do 0x0d0a ? that should cover the RFC and both our examples.

That's a good point I will change the check if the connection was successful.

For me, there are still 2 things I'm not clear on:

- I don't follow yet what upstream-proxy-target provides yet, or is this just
   plumbing for later when we have requests?

Well Problem is that there must be an option to tell the upstream proxy what's the target host is. This could be done via "server->hostname" which is in the case above "www.httpbin.org:443".

When there are several targets host based on sni and there is a map can't the server name be used here is the solution the "" and the "upstream-proxy-target" to solve the issue.

The final idea is something like this.

tcp-request content upstream-proxy-header Host %[req.ssl_sni,lower]
tcp-request content upstream-proxy-header "$AUTH" "$TOKEN"
tcp-request content upstream-proxy-header Proxy-Connection Keep-Alive
tcp-request content upstream-proxy-target %[req.ssl_sni,lower]

server stream upstream-proxy-tunnel %[req.ssl_sni,lower,map_str(targets.map)]

The targets.map should have something like this.
#dest proxy
sni01 proxy01
sni02 proxy02

I hope the background of upstream-proxy-target is now more clear.

- In `server https_Via_Proxy1 upstream-proxy-tunnel`
   from your config, what is used for here? This binds to all IPv4
   but on a random free port?

This is required when the destination should be dynamic, it's documented here.



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