Hi Valentine, hi Willy,

after spending some time testing I agree tuning maxconn/fd-limits is hard ...

With 8GB RAM we can still OOM with 1M FDs / 500k maxconn (no TLS), but
it appears to be around the sweetspot.

It thought it would require more memory considering that we suggest
1GB of memory for 20k non-TLS connections or 8k TLS connections, but
my test was indeed synthetic with zero features used, and it's not
only about haproxy userspace but the system as well.

lukas@dev:~/haproxy$ git grep -B3 -A1 "GB of RAM"
doc/configuration.txt-  global maxconn. Also, keep in mind that a
connection contains two buffers
doc/configuration.txt-  of tune.bufsize (16kB by default) each, as
well as some other data resulting
doc/configuration.txt-  in about 33 kB of RAM being consumed per
established connection. That means
doc/configuration.txt:  that a medium system equipped with 1GB of RAM
can withstand around
doc/configuration.txt-  20000-25000 concurrent connections if properly tuned.
doc/intro.txt-  - 1300 HTTPS connections per second using TLS
connections renegotiated with
doc/intro.txt-    RSA2048;
doc/intro.txt:  - 20000 concurrent saturated connections per GB of
RAM, including the memory
doc/intro.txt-    required for system buffers; it is possible to do
better with careful tuning
doc/intro.txt-    but this result it easy to achieve.
doc/intro.txt:  - about 8000 concurrent TLS connections (client-side
only) per GB of RAM,
doc/intro.txt-    including the memory required for system buffers;

On Thu, 11 Jul 2024 at 08:05, Willy Tarreau <w...@1wt.eu> wrote:
> What I would really like is to no longer see any maxconn in a regular
> configuration because there's no good value and we've seen them copied
> over and over.

By setting a global maxconn you force yourself to at least think about it.

I'm assuming by "regular configuration" you mean small scale/size? In
this case I agree.

> I'm confused now, I don't see how, given that the change only *lowers*
> an existing limit, it never raises it. It's precisely because of the
> risk of OOM with OSes switching the default from one million FDs to one
> billion that we're proposing to keep the previous limit of 1 million as
> a sane upper bound. The only risk I'm seeing would be users discovering
> that they cannot accept more than ~500k concurrent connections on a large
> system. But I claim that those dealing with such loads *do* careful size
> and configure their systems and services (RAM, fd, conntrack, monitoring
> tools etc). Thus I'm not sure which scenario you have in mind that this
> change could result in such a report as above.

True, I confused memory required for initialization with memory
allocated when actually used.

On Thu, 11 Jul 2024 at 14:44, Willy Tarreau <w...@1wt.eu> wrote:
> My take on this limit is that most users should not care. Those dealing
> with high loads have to do their homework and are used to doing this,
> and those deploying in extremely small environments are also used to
> adjusting limits (even sometimes rebuilding with specific options), and
> I'm fine with leaving a bit of work for both extremities.

Considering how non-trivial tuning maxconn/fd-hard-limit/ulimit for a
specific memory size and configuration is, I (now) have to agree.

On Tue, 16 Jul 2024 at 16:22, Valentine Krasnobaeva
<vkrasnoba...@haproxy.com> wrote:
> Our issue in GITHUB: https://github.com/haproxy/haproxy/issues/2621
>>    You agree that this is the environment systemd sets us up with, right?
> Yes, as it was investigated by Apollon systemd/256~rc3-3 now sets the
> file descriptor hard limit to kernel max on boot.

Yes, I will comment regarding some additional systemd context on the
github issue (but nothing changes for haproxy).

On Tue, 16 Jul 2024 at 16:22, Valentine Krasnobaeva
<vkrasnoba...@haproxy.com> wrote:
> It is obscure for some users 'fd-hard-limit'. And a lot of them
> may ask: "What is the best value, according to my environment,
> which I should put here ?", "What will be the impact?"

This is completely true and why I prefer users think about maxconn
instead, but like I said, even that is hard.


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