
    Thank you for your quick response. That explanation makes a lot of sense. I 
appreciate your time.


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From: Lukas Tribus <>
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2024 2:27:28 AM
To: J B <>; haproxy <>
Subject: Re: Seeking Clarity on Timeout and Option Redispatch Settings


a connect timeout is used only *when it is actually needed*, that is
when we send SYN but get no response whatsoever from a backend.

However when the backend server clearly responds with a RST or ICMP
unreachable - which is the case when the is no application running on
the particular port, the error is passed immediately up the stack and
haproxy can handle it without waiting for a timeout.

If you want to test timeout settings, point somewhere where you don't
get a response.


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