
Has anyone found a replacement for Telepathy TP_ONTIME?  (it just allows you
to execute any function you want during any millisecond intervals.
Unfortunately, the hbtpathy library has left this TP_ONTIME function out...
I e-mailed the author of the Harbour contrib lib, but perhaps he never
implemented this FUNC because it was not portable.

I wouldn't want to write my own if I didn't have to, as I decided to ask

I read some other threads on the mailing list and someone mentioned to check
out another thread on multithreading.  It was a bit too high-brow for me, as
well as not really answering this (and the original posters) question.  In a
nutshell, I'm looking to implement a simple feature that Telepathy provided
in the DOS days.

As always, any hints highly appreciated.  Thank you for reading

smu johnson <smujohn...@gmail.com>
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