For performances reason I do conversions inside items of stack frame parametrers but with repeat indirect parameters causes unexpected results because change the type of parameter. Now copy the parameter before making the conversion.
Please Viktor, could you update the repository, thank you and I'm sorry for any 

Procedure Test()
   Local cSQL, dFecha, n, i

   dFecha := Date()
   ? Sql_sprintf("SELECT * FROM `%2$s` WHERE `dtOrd`=%1$t OR `dtSnd`=%1$t", 
dFecha, 'table')
   for i := 1 to 5
      ? Sql_sprintf("%s", Replicate('-', 74))
      ? cSQL := Sql_sprintf("%% nil=%1$t, char=%2$t, Date=%3$t, num=%4$s, char=%2$s 
%%%5$n", nil, "String's", dFecha, 5.21, @n)
      ? Sql_sprintf("Result: i=%d, Len=%d, Pos=%d", i, Len(cSQL), n)

Best regards,
 * $Id: spd.c 8922 2008-07-03 14:50:43Z vszakats $

 * Harbour Project source code:
 * SQL_SPRINTF() function
 * Copyright 2008 Xavi <jarabal/at/>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (or visit the web site
 * As a special exception, the Harbour Project gives permission for
 * additional uses of the text contained in its release of Harbour.
 * The exception is that, if you link the Harbour libraries with other
 * files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
 * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
 * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
 * linking the Harbour library code into it.
 * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
 * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
 * This exception applies only to the code released by the Harbour
 * Project under the name Harbour.  If you copy code from other
 * Harbour Project or Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
 * Harbour, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
 * not apply to the code that you add in this way.  To avoid misleading
 * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
 * this exception notice from them.
 * If you write modifications of your own for Harbour, it is your choice
 * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
 * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.

#include "hbapi.h"
#include "hbapiitm.h"
#include "hbapierr.h"
#include "hbdate.h"
#include "hbset.h"

static void STAItm( PHB_ITEM pItmPar )
   ULONG i, ulItmPar = hb_itemGetCLen( pItmPar );
   char *cRes, *c, *cItmPar = hb_itemGetCPtr( pItmPar );

   for( i = 3, c = cItmPar; *c; c++ ){
      if( *c == '\'' ) i++;   /* Count ' Tokens */
   cRes = (char *)hb_xgrab( ulItmPar + i * sizeof(char) );
   i = 0; c = cItmPar; cRes[i++] = '\'';
   while( *c ){
      if( *c == '\'' ) cRes[i++] = '\'';
      cRes[i++] = *c++;
   cRes[i++] = '\''; /* cRes[i] = '\0'; */
   hb_itemPutCLPtr( pItmPar, cRes, i );

static ULONG SCItm( char *cBuffer, ULONG ulMaxBuf, char *cParFrm, int iCOut, 
int IsIndW, int iIndWidth, int IsIndP, int iIndPrec, PHB_ITEM pItmPar )
   ULONG s;

   /* NOTE: In DJGPP (4.2.3) snprintf() will be preprocessed to sprintf(), which
            makes ulMaxBuf unused, and this in turn causes a warning, so we're
            manually suppressing it. [vszakats] */
   #if defined(__DJGPP__)
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( ulMaxBuf );

   if( IsIndW && IsIndP ){
      switch( iCOut ){
      case 'p':
         s = snprintf( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iIndWidth, iIndPrec, 
hb_itemGetPtr( pItmPar ) );
      case 's': case 'S':
         s = snprintf( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iIndWidth, iIndPrec, 
hb_itemGetCPtr( pItmPar ) );
      case 'e': case 'E': case 'f': case 'g': case 'G': case 'a': case 'A':
         s = snprintf( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iIndWidth, iIndPrec, 
hb_itemGetND( pItmPar ) );
      /* case 'c': case 'C': case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': 
case 'X': */
         s = snprintf( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iIndWidth, iIndPrec, 
(HB_IS_LONG( pItmPar ) ? hb_itemGetNL( pItmPar ) : hb_itemGetNI( pItmPar )) );
   }else if( IsIndW || IsIndP ){
      int iInd = (IsIndW ? iIndWidth : iIndPrec);

      switch( iCOut ){
      case 'p':
         s = snprintf( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iInd, hb_itemGetPtr( pItmPar 
) );
      case 's': case 'S':
         s = snprintf( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iInd, hb_itemGetCPtr( 
pItmPar ) );
      case 'e': case 'E': case 'f': case 'g': case 'G': case 'a': case 'A':
         s = snprintf( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iInd, hb_itemGetND( pItmPar 
) );
      /* case 'c': case 'C': case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': 
case 'X': */
         s = snprintf( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iInd, (HB_IS_LONG( pItmPar ) 
? hb_itemGetNL( pItmPar ) : hb_itemGetNI( pItmPar )) );
      switch( iCOut ){
      case 'p':
         s = snprintf( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, hb_itemGetPtr( pItmPar ) );
      case 's': case 'S':
         s = snprintf( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, hb_itemGetCPtr( pItmPar ) );
      case 'e': case 'E': case 'f': case 'g': case 'G': case 'a': case 'A':
         s = snprintf( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, hb_itemGetND( pItmPar ) );
      /* case 'c': case 'C': case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': 
case 'X': */
         s = snprintf( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, (HB_IS_LONG( pItmPar ) ? 
hb_itemGetNL( pItmPar ) : hb_itemGetNI( pItmPar )) );
   return s;

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
*       cRes := Sql_sprintf( cFrm, ... ) or cRes := _Spd( cFrm, ... )
* Full compatible ANSI C99 formats with C,S converters wchar_t (UNICODE)
* Integer & Floating point converters with Width and Precision for NUMERIC & 
* a,A converters Hexadecimal floating point format. Thanks Rafa.
*  ? Sql_sprintf( "Phi = %A", (1 + 5**0.5) / 2 ) // Phi = 0X1,9E3779B97F4A8P+0
* %m$,*m$ Index & Indirect arguments C99. Thanks Viktor.
*  ? Sql_sprintf( "Phi = %2$0*3$.*1$f", 4, (1 + 5**0.5) / 2, 7 ) // Phi = 
* s converter for format Harbour data types.
*    NUMERIC with FIXED DECIMALS = n | n.d   STRING = String's ANSI C
*     New Internal Modifier {}. Thanks Mindaugas.
*     Date and Time Format separate by first space {DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss.ccc pm}
*     {DD/MM/YYYY} = Only Date | { hh:mm:ss.ccc pm} = Only Time
*        ? Sql_sprintf( "%s", Date() )                // 16/06/08
*        ? Sql_sprintf( "%s", DateTime() )            // 16/06/08 04:11:21
*        ? Sql_sprintf( "%{YYYYMMDD}s", DateTime() )  // 20080616
*        ? Sql_sprintf( "%{ hh:mm pm}s", DateTime() ) // 04:11 AM
*    LOGICAL = TRUE | FALSE        %d converter for LOGICAL = 1 | 0
*     Accepts Internal Modifier TRUE and FALSE Format separate by first comma
*     {T .T.,F .F.} = TRUE & FALSE | {ON} = Only TRUE | {,OFF} = Only FALSE
*        ? Sql_sprintf( "%{VERDADERO,FALSO}s", .F. ) // FALSO
*        ? Sql_sprintf( "%{ONLY IF TRUE}s", .T. ) // ONLY IF TRUE
* New t converter for format ANSI SQL types.
*    NUMERIC with FIXED DECIMALS = n | n.d   STRING = 'String''s ANSI SQL'
*     Accepts Internal Modifier like s converter {DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss.ccc pm}
*    LOGICAL = TRUE | FALSE        Accepts Internal Modifier like s {ON,OFF}
* Print NULL if the parameter is NIL or HB_IT_NULL
* Processing %% and n converter Position.

#define DK_INCRES 1024
#define DK_INCBUF 512

   ULONG ulItmFrm;
   char *cRes, *cItmFrm;
   int argc = hb_pcount() - 1;
   PHB_ITEM pItmFrm = hb_param( 1, HB_IT_STRING );

   if( !pItmFrm || (cItmFrm = hb_itemGetCPtr( pItmFrm )) == NULL ){
      hb_errRT_BASE_SubstR( EG_ARG, 3012, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME, 1, 
hb_paramError( 1 ) );
   }else if( !(ulItmFrm = hb_itemGetCLen( pItmFrm )) ){
      hb_retc( NULL );
   }else if( !argc ){
      cRes = (char *)hb_xgrab( ulItmFrm + sizeof(char) );
      memcpy( cRes, cItmFrm, ulItmFrm + sizeof(char) );
      hb_retclen_buffer( cRes, ulItmFrm );
      PHB_ITEM pItmPar, pItmCpy;
      char *cIntMod, *cBuffer, *cParFrm, *c;
      int p, arg, iCOut, IsType, IsIndW, IsIndP, iIndWidth, iIndPrec, iErrorPar 
= 0;
      ULONG s, f, i, ulWidth, ulParPos = 0, ulResPos = 0, ulMaxBuf = DK_INCBUF, 
ulMaxRes = DK_INCRES;
      static char cToken[] = "stcdiouxXaAeEfgGpnSC";

      cIntMod = NULL;
      cRes = (char *)hb_xgrab( ulMaxRes );
      cBuffer = (char *)hb_xgrab( ulMaxBuf );
      cParFrm = (char *)hb_xgrab( ulItmFrm + sizeof(char) );

      for( p = 0; p < argc; /* Not p++ by support index & indirect arguments */ 

         c = cItmFrm + ulParPos;
         s = f = i = ulWidth = arg = iCOut = IsType = IsIndW = iIndWidth = 
IsIndP = iIndPrec = 0;
         do{   /* Get Par Format */
            cParFrm[i++] = *c;
            if( f && *c == '%' ){
               f = ulWidth = IsIndW = IsIndP = 0;
            }else if( f && !ulWidth && *c >= '0' && *c <= '9' ){
               ulWidth = atol( c );
            }else if( f && *c == '.' ){
               if( f++ == 2 ) iErrorPar = 1;
            }else if( f && *c == '*' ){
               if( f == 2 ){
                  if( IsIndP ){
                     f = 3; iErrorPar = 1;
                     IsIndP = 1;
               }else if( !IsIndW ){
                  IsIndW = 1;
                  f = 3; iErrorPar = 1;
            }else if( f && *c == '$' ){
               if( ulWidth && IsIndP && !iIndPrec ){
                  iIndPrec = ulWidth;
                  iCOut = '*';
               }else if( ulWidth && IsIndW && !iIndWidth ){
                  iIndWidth = ulWidth;
                  ulWidth = 0; iCOut = '*';
               }else if( ulWidth && !arg ){
                  arg = ulWidth;
                  ulWidth = 0; iCOut = '%';
                  f = 3; iErrorPar = 1;
               while( i && cParFrm[--i] != iCOut );
               ++i; iCOut = 0;
            }else if( f && *c == '{' ){
               if( s ){
                  f = 3; iErrorPar = 1;
               }else{   /* Remove Internal Modifier */
                  if( cIntMod == NULL ){
                     cIntMod = (char *)hb_xgrab( ulItmFrm + sizeof(char) );
                  while( *c++ && *c != '}' ) cIntMod[s++] = *c;
                  --i; cIntMod[s] = '\0';
                  if( *(c - 1) == '\0' ){
                     f = 3; iErrorPar = 1;
            }else if( f && strchr(cToken, *c) ){
               f = 3; iCOut = *c;
            }else if( *c == '%' ){
               f = 1;
         }while( f < 3 && *c ); cParFrm[f = i] = '\0';
         if( iErrorPar ) break;

         if( iCOut == 't' ){
            if( cParFrm[f - 2] == '%' ){
               IsType = 1; iCOut = cParFrm[f - 1] = 's';
               iErrorPar = 1; break;

         if( IsIndW  ){ /* Get Par Indirectly Width Item */
            pItmPar = hb_param( (iIndWidth ? iIndWidth + 1 :  p++ + 2), 
            if( pItmPar ){
               if( (iIndWidth = hb_itemGetNI( pItmPar )) < 0 ){
                  ulWidth = -iIndWidth;
                  ulWidth = iIndWidth;
               iErrorPar = 1; break;

         if( IsIndP ){  /* Get Par Indirectly Precision Item */
            pItmPar = hb_param( (iIndPrec ? iIndPrec + 1 :  p++ + 2), 
            if( pItmPar ){
               iIndPrec = hb_itemGetNI( pItmPar );
               iErrorPar = 1; break;

         if( !arg && *c && p == argc - 1 ){ /* No more Par Items */
            do{ cParFrm[i++] = *c; }while( *c++ ); i--;
         }  /* i == strlen(cParFrm) */

         pItmPar = hb_param( (arg ? arg + 1 :  p++ + 2), HB_IT_ANY );   /* Get 
Par Item */
         if( !pItmPar ){
            iErrorPar = 1; break;

         if( !iCOut || iCOut == 'n' ){ /* Par Text Out */

            for( f = i, i = 0; i < f; i++ ){ /* Change %% with % */
               if( cParFrm[i] == '%' && cParFrm[i + 1] == '%' ){
                  memcpy( cParFrm + i, cParFrm + i + 1, f - i );
            }  /* i == strlen(cParFrm) */
            if( iCOut ){
               for( f = 0; f < i; f++ ){  /* Erase %n */
                  if( cParFrm[f] == '%' && cParFrm[f + 1] == 'n' ){
                     memcpy( cParFrm + f, cParFrm + f + 2, i - f - 1 );
               }  /* f == Index % of n */
               if( f < i ){
                  i -= 2;  /* i == strlen(cParFrm) */
                  hb_itemPutNL( pItmPar, ulResPos + f );
                  iErrorPar = 1; break;
            if( (f = i + sizeof(char)) > ulMaxBuf ){
               ulMaxBuf += f + DK_INCBUF;
               cBuffer = (char *)hb_xrealloc( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf );
            strcpy( cBuffer, cParFrm ); s = i;

         }else{   /* Par Item sprintf() Out */

#        ifdef HB_IT_NULL
            if( (HB_IS_NIL( pItmPar ) || HB_IS_NULL( pItmPar )) ){
#        else
            if( HB_IS_NIL( pItmPar ) ){
#        endif
               ulWidth = f; IsIndW = IsIndP = 0;
               while( cParFrm[--f] != '%' );
               iCOut = cParFrm[f + 1] = 's'; /* Change format with %s */
               memcpy( cParFrm + f + 2, cParFrm + ulWidth, i - ulWidth + 1 );
               i -= ulWidth - f - 2;   /* i == strlen(cParFrm) */
               if( (f = i + 5) > ulMaxBuf ){ /* size of "NULL" == 5 */
                  ulMaxBuf += f + DK_INCBUF;
                  cBuffer = (char *)hb_xrealloc( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf );
               hb_itemCopy( pItmCpy = hb_itemNew( NULL ), pItmPar );
               hb_itemPutCL( pItmCpy, "NULL", 4 );
               s = SCItm( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iCOut, IsIndW, iIndWidth, 
IsIndP, iIndPrec, pItmCpy );
               hb_itemRelease( pItmCpy );

            }else if( HB_IS_STRING( pItmPar ) && (iCOut == 's' || iCOut == 'S') 
               if( IsType ){
                  hb_itemCopy( pItmCpy = hb_itemNew( NULL ), pItmPar ); pItmPar 
= pItmCpy;
                  STAItm( pItmPar );
               f = hb_itemGetCLen( pItmPar );
               if( (f = i + HB_MAX(ulWidth, f)) > ulMaxBuf ){
                  ulMaxBuf += f + DK_INCBUF;
                  cBuffer = (char *)hb_xrealloc( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf );
               s = SCItm( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iCOut, IsIndW, iIndWidth, 
IsIndP, iIndPrec, pItmPar );
               if( IsType ) hb_itemRelease( pItmPar );

            }else if( HB_IS_DATE( pItmPar ) && iCOut == 's' ){
               char cDTBuf[ 19 ], cDTFrm[ 28 ]; /* 26 + 2 if %t and change 
format time */

               if( s ){ /* Internal Modifier */
                  for( f = 0; cIntMod[f] && cIntMod[f] != ' '; f++ );
                  if( f != s ) cIntMod[f++] = '\0';   /* Date & Time */

#           ifdef __XHARBOUR__
               if( HB_IS_DATETIME( pItmPar ) ){
                  hb_datetimeFormat( hb_itemGetDTS( pItmPar, cDTBuf ), cDTFrm,
                                       (s ? cIntMod : (IsType ? "YYYY-MM-DD" : 
                                       (s ? cIntMod + f : "HH:MM:SS") );
                  if( s ){
                     if( !cIntMod[0] ){
                        memcpy( cDTFrm, cDTFrm + 1, 27 );   /* LTrim 1 space if 
only Time */
                     }else if( cDTFrm[s] == ' ' ){
                        cDTFrm[s] = '\0'; /* RTrim 1 space if only Date */
#           endif
                  hb_dateFormat( hb_itemGetDS( pItmPar, cDTBuf ), cDTFrm,
                                    (s ? cIntMod : (IsType ? "YYYY-MM-DD" : 

               if( (f = i + HB_MAX(ulWidth, 28)) > ulMaxBuf ){
                  ulMaxBuf += f + DK_INCBUF;
                  cBuffer = (char *)hb_xrealloc( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf );
               hb_itemCopy( pItmCpy = hb_itemNew( NULL ), pItmPar );
               hb_itemPutC( pItmCpy, cDTFrm );
               if( IsType ) STAItm( pItmCpy );
               s = SCItm( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iCOut, IsIndW, iIndWidth, 
IsIndP, iIndPrec, pItmCpy );
               hb_itemRelease( pItmCpy );

            }else if( HB_IS_LOGICAL( pItmPar ) ){

               if( s ){ /* Internal Modifier */
                  for( f = 0; cIntMod[f] && cIntMod[f] != ','; f++ );
                  if( f != s ) cIntMod[f++] = '\0';   /* TRUE & FALSE */
               if( iCOut == 's' ){
                  hb_itemCopy( pItmCpy = hb_itemNew( NULL ), pItmPar ); pItmPar 
= pItmCpy;
                  hb_itemPutC( pItmPar, (hb_itemGetL( pItmPar ) ? (s ? cIntMod 
: "TRUE") : (s ? cIntMod + f : "FALSE")) );
               if( (f = i + (iCOut == 's' ? HB_MAX(ulWidth, (s ? s : 6)) : 
HB_MAX(ulWidth, DK_BLKBUF))) > ulMaxBuf ){
                  ulMaxBuf += f + DK_INCBUF;   /* size of "FALSE" == 6 */
                  cBuffer = (char *)hb_xrealloc( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf );
               s = SCItm( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iCOut, IsIndW, iIndWidth, 
IsIndP, iIndPrec, pItmPar );
               if( iCOut == 's' ) hb_itemRelease( pItmPar );

            }else if( iCOut == 's' ){
               char *cTrimStr, *cStr = hb_itemStr( pItmPar, NULL, NULL );

               if( cStr ){
                  f = strlen( cStr ); cTrimStr = hb_strLTrim( cStr, &f );
                  if( (f = i + HB_MAX(ulWidth, f)) > ulMaxBuf ){
                     ulMaxBuf += f + DK_INCBUF;
                     cBuffer = (char *)hb_xrealloc( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf );
                  hb_itemCopy( pItmCpy = hb_itemNew( NULL ), pItmPar );
                  hb_itemPutCL( pItmCpy, cTrimStr, f );
                  s = SCItm( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iCOut, IsIndW, 
iIndWidth, IsIndP, iIndPrec, pItmCpy );
                  hb_itemRelease( pItmCpy ); hb_xfree( cStr );
                  iErrorPar = p + 2; break;

            }else if( HB_IS_NUMERIC( pItmPar ) || HB_IS_POINTER( pItmPar ) ){
               if( (f = i + HB_MAX(ulWidth, DK_BLKBUF)) > ulMaxBuf ){
                  ulMaxBuf += f + DK_INCBUF;
                  cBuffer = (char *)hb_xrealloc( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf );
               s = SCItm( cBuffer, ulMaxBuf, cParFrm, iCOut, IsIndW, iIndWidth, 
IsIndP, iIndPrec, pItmPar );

               iErrorPar = p + 2; break;

         if( (f = s + ulResPos + sizeof(char)) > ulMaxRes ){
            ulMaxRes += f + DK_INCRES;
            cRes = (char *)hb_xrealloc( cRes, ulMaxRes );
         strcpy( cRes + ulResPos, cBuffer ); ulResPos += s;

         if( (ulParPos = c - cItmFrm) >= ulItmFrm ){
            break;   /* No more Par Format */
      if( cIntMod ) hb_xfree( cIntMod );
      hb_xfree( cParFrm ); hb_xfree( cBuffer );
      if( iErrorPar ){
         hb_xfree( cRes );
         if( iErrorPar > 1 ){
            hb_errRT_BASE_SubstR( EG_ARG, 3012, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME, 2, 
hb_paramError( 1 ), hb_paramError( iErrorPar ) );
            hb_errRT_BASE_SubstR( EG_ARG, 3012, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME, 1, 
hb_paramError( 1 ) );
         hb_retclen_buffer( cRes, ulResPos );
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