Hi Alejandro,

It'd be definitely good to start doing basically
anything around the docs issue.

I see two key goals:

1) The doc source format to be open.
   This means the doc should be in an open standard text
   format, which can be handled using open source tools.

2) Using open source and preferably standard,
   _existing_ tools to compile this doc source into
   various end-user formats.
   hbdoc may also work if someone is really jumping
   on it and maintaining it, but if not, or maybe
   on the long run at all, IMO we're better off with
   some existing tools like robodoc (I always forget
   the other candidate). To start with any new tool,
   we first need to write a converter to convert
   current format to robodoc (or else).

So in less generic words, we have two options:

a) To continue with current NANFOR format, and
   and revive hbdoc as our doc generator tool.

b) Choose a doc generator tool, convert what we
   have in NANFOR format to this standard format
   and continue writing the docs in this new format.

Pritpal's effort is nice, but IMO it can only stay
an independent project as it's hosted on his own site
and uses proprietary tools to process the docs. [ I
didn't follow the development of the actual content,
which we may use in some form. ]


On 2008.08.22., at 22:07, Alejandro de Garate wrote:

Hi Viktor

I have been working a couple of years ago in hbdoc after the last release of .ng format unfortunately all that work disapear with a crash in my home machine.

I did many of the spanish translations, but still is missing many of the documentation in english and not only of the known Clipper's functions and commands, but of the great work of Przemek about gt systems rdds and others areas which you knows better than me because you've been working in those areas.

In shortly, we still missing docs an info of Harbour.

Many times I read the free release of xHarbour docs, but I don't know if this
happened and if it can help in something.

I can go back to work in hbdoc if necessary when I have some time available, but also read Pritpal (Bill and maybe other people) was working in docs and
I have no clear idea where we stand today.

So we need to agree something about the future of Harbour's documentation (formats, tools, etc.)



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