On Friday 19 September 2008 08:51:29 pm Bill Smith wrote:
> BCC32 (WinXP) reports it doesn't know how to make obj/b32/dbdetach.obj-
> On Sat, 2008-09-20 at 03:38 +0200, Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> > 2008-09-20 03:38 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
> >   * harbour/source/vm/hvm.c
> >     * minor modification: #ifdef ... => #if defined( ... )
> >
> >   * harbour/source/rtl/gtcrs/gtcrs.c
> >   * harbour/source/rtl/gttrm/gttrm.c
> >     ! fixed reentrance counter resetting

2008-09-19 21:26 UTC-0500 Teo Fonrouge (teo/at/windtelsoft/dot/com)
  * common.mak
  * source/rdd/Makefile
    * removed dbdetach.* from make constructors

best regards,

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