On Saturday 11 October 2008 11:11:50 Teo Fonrouge wrote:
> On Saturday 11 October 2008 03:00:37 am Teo Fonrouge wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > On Linux, I want to do some profiling in an proyect, so I have compiled
> > Harbour with "-DHB_USE_PROFILER" and created the binaries.
> >
> > Nevertheless, when I try to run the sample at /tests/testprof.prg it
> > simply aborts with a segfault.
> >
> > Is there something in which I must have take care of ?
> I have traced out the problem at sources/vm/classes.c at the following
> function:
> ----------------
> void hb_mthAddTime( ULONG ulClockTicks )
> {
>    PMETHOD pMethod = s_pClasses[ hb_objGetClassH( hb_stackSelfItem() ) ]->
>                      pMethods;
>    if( pMethod )
>    {
>       pMethod += hb_stackBaseItem()->item.asSymbol.stackstate->uiMethod;
>       pMethod->ulCalls++;
>       pMethod->ulTime += ulClockTicks;
>    }
> }
> ----------------
> Here seems that the pointer in pMethod is wrongly indexed with:
> += hb_stackBaseItem()->item.asSymbol.stackstate->uiMethod
> .
> Why is used 'hb_stackBaseItem()->item.asSymbol.stackstate->uiMethod' to
> obtain the PMETHOD that needs to be profiled ???
> Any help is badly appreciated.


Many thanks for the fix & the lesson :)

best regards,

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