On Sat, 25 Oct 2008, Massimo Belgrano wrote:

Hi Massimo,

> What do you think having a scrollable area in GT?

GTWIN already has such functionality in W2K, XP and later Windows

> Mobile device and tomorrow internet will require this capability
> Physical area is more small that logical
> Gt window will USE horizontal and vertical scroll bar
> As Physical SET BY HB_GTI_SETPOS (Have 10 row ,40 column)
> As logical  SET BY HB_GTI_LAREA  (Have 20 row ,80 column)
> The resize will work when Physical and logical are same (default
> behavior)

Such functionality without any doubts is usable and I hope it will
be added to GTWVT but I would like to leave it for Windows developers.

best regards,
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