>So it will crashes inside hb_vmExecute()
>Please try to commenct line 1127 in hvm.c
>         hb_inkeyPoll();
>to eliminate yet another possibly danger place and make test.
>Farther tracing using this methods will not be effective.
>hb_vmExecute() operates on too many functions.
>It will be necessary to use OpenWatcom debugger or enable
>Harbour tracing. Please look at doc/tracing.txt.
>It's not MT fully safe so some line numbers and/or file names
>can be wrong but rest should be correct and enough of us. Of
>course if fileio in MT safe in OpenWatcom.
>Recompile Harbour using HB_TR_LEVEL_DEBUG macro. Make
>and rebuild Harbour and test code.
>Then before you execute test application make:
>  set HB_TR_FLUSH=1
>  set HB_TR_OUTPUT=trace.log

>It should generate trace.log file with called functions.
>Please compress this file and send it to my private e-mail.

Rebuilt Harbour with

Before running new test application (pba.exe):
  set HB_TR_FLUSH=1
  set HB_TR_OUTPUT=trace.log

and results are:
The process has stopped.  The software diagnostic
code (exception code) is  0005.

trace.log are never created
dir /od
 8/11/08  7:21p         5,218      0 a---  mi_ow.cmd
 8/11/08  7:35p       254,571      0 a---  make_ow.log
 8/11/08  7:43p       972,753      0 a---  pba.exe
       53 file(s)   5,288,427 bytes used

[E:\harbour810\harbour]dir ..\trace.log /s

The volume label in drive E is ECS.
The Volume Serial Number is A913:E015.

SYS0002: The system cannot find the file specified.

Testing with hbvm.lib ( without MT ) work fine creating trace.log with 2,970 lines
func main
 qout( "hello world" )
return nil

So Harbour tracing fails in MT / OW

David Macias

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