>You set it too early. It will cause that harbour.exe will
>also create trace.log :-)
>It's not a problem because it will be overwritten by
>test application.

You are right

>>  9/11/08  7:29a       143,326      0 a---  trace.log

>And this is correct log from pba2.exe

>>  9/11/08  7:33a        21,046      0 a---  trace.log
>> Now trace.log are created in MT with a size much smaller than ST

>Because it's not log from pba2.exe but from harbour.exe executed
>before to compile pba2.prg
>pba2.exe didn't created any logs what means that it was not linked
>with the same libraries as for ST mode which were compiled with HB_TRACE
>support. So you should check what -mt switch exactly does in pbaos2.cmd
>and why it changes linked libraries. Maybe it can also explain strange
>results you have with printf() outputs.

pbaos2.cmd are based in hbmk.bat and hbmk_os2.cmd

if not "%1" == "-mt" goto NO_MT
   set _HB_MT=yes
   goto REPEAT

set _HBVM_LIB=hbvm
if "%_HB_MT%" == "yes" set _HBVM_LIB=hbvmmt
   set _HB_PRG_NAME=%1

wpp386 -j -w3 -d2 -5s -5r -fp5 -oxehtz -zq -zt0 -mf -bt=OS2 -bm %_HB_PRG_NAME%.c -fo=%_HB_PRG_NAME%.obj -I%HB_INC_INSTALL% echo debug all OP stack=65536 OP CASEEXACT NAME %_HB_PRG_NAME%.exe > _hb_mk.tmp
      echo FILE %_HB_PRG_NAME%.obj >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIBPATH %HB_LIB_INSTALL% >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB hbcpage.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB hbdebug.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB %_HBVM_LIB%.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB hbrtl.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB gtos2.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB gtcgi.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB gtpca.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB gtstd.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB hblang.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB hbmacro.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB hbpp.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB rddntx.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB rddcdx.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB rddfpt.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB hbhsx.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB hbsix.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB hbrdd.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB hbcommon.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB hbpcre.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      echo LIB hbzlib.lib >> _hb_mk.tmp
      wlink @_hb_mk.tmp
      del _hb_mk.tmp
      goto CLEANUP


I see just one %_HBVM_LIB% while gcc have two of them, but just one rtl too


>>                                        Called from HB_THREADJOIN(0)
>> Called from M
>> AIN(2) in pba.prg

>Yet another tracelog message which should be fixed but
>it's not related to our problem.

>Viktor HB_ERR_FUNCNAME defined as 1 is much more danger then
>then previous version which was redirected to valid empty string
>so it was safe to use this pointer in any context. Maybe we should
>restore it.

David Macias

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