On Thursday 20 November 2008 12:30:37 pm Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to hear group decision about default support for
> shard libraries in binaries created for MacOSX.
> I want to keep it enabled by default like in all other *nixes
> so standard build scripts will create compatible binaries in
> all *nix like systems.
> These is related to two things:
> hb* scripts will create shared binaries unless user will not
> use -static or -fullstatic parameter just like in all other *nixes.
> standard tools in binaries created by mpkg_tgz.sh will be linked with
> shared harbour library so we will have very easy validation that final
> installation is correct, there is no typos in library name or version/
> subversion number (BTW this has to be still fixed in MacOSX builds),
> destination path are in correct system directories, hb* scripts will
> create working shared binaries and any other Harbour shared binaries
> will also work. It's also very important confirmation for me that when
> user reports problem with his own Harbour shared binaries I'm sure
> that the problem is not on the harbour side directly and I do not have
> to start build conditions what sometimes is hard when I do not have
> regular access to given OS. Sometimes even such access does not help
> because the differences can be related to customized installation.
> It was a standard in all *nix like installations.
> Recently MacOSX builds has been changed and it's an exception to other
> *nix builds.
> I want to keep the old behavior compatible between *nixes without such
> exceptions. Those of you who used to work with different *nixes knows
> well how irritating are "small" differences between them and how problems
> they can create.
> Viktor prefers static builds. OK it's not a problem for me.

In *nix world shared builds are the prefered choice against static builds. 
There are too many reasons for it, and we need to keep it this way too in 

If MacOSX SO designers decided to use mainly static builds, then Harbour needs 
to have independent build scripts specifically to acomplish this.

> I added options to hb* scripts generator so they can be easy created
> in such default mode by setting one environment variable before building
> Harbour. It's enough to set HB_MK_STATIC=yes before building Harbour
> to create customized hb* scripts. I can also add such option to mpkg_tgz.sh
> so it will link harbour tools with static libraries HB_TOOLS_STATIC=yes.

This sounds reasonable and enough.

> I do not feel "MacOSX spirit". For me it's yet another *nix like
> environment and I do not see any reason to make any exception for this
> OS for users who will only create applications for it often without
> seeing computer and using only remote console connections.
> Anyhow if other MacOSX users will prefer static builds I do not want to
> forbid them such possibilities. To avoid settings above envvars we can
> add simply scpript mpkg_macosx.sh which maybe in the future will be changed
> to real MacOSX installer by MacOSX users. now it will simply look like:
>    #!/bin/sh
>    export HB_MK_STATIC=yes
>    export HB_TOOLS_STATIC=yes
>    ./mpkg_tgz.sh
> Anyone who will want to use will be free to use it. Just like anyone
> who prefers compatible behavior with other *nixes can use the same
> scripts as for other *nixes. It's a free project and I do not see
> any reason to forbid such possibilities.
> I asked Viktor about it few times without success in last days.
> So now I want to aks all of you to vote.
> 1. We should keep compatible between *nixes behavior for binaries create
>    by standard build scripts giving MacOSX users alternative build script
>    ./mpkg_macosx.sh which will created static binaries
> 2. We should disable default support for shared binaries in MacOSX builds
>    created by standard build scripts (current behavior after recent
>    Viktor's modification)
> I'm voting for 1.

I'm too for 1. 

Plus, MacOSX users need to create their own separated build scripts.

best regards,

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