Hello all - glad it's working again.
I generally read the mail in the Nabble forum as it is easier to follow threads.
The site says:-
"This forum is an archive for the mailing list: harbour@harbour-project.org"
however there is still a gap in the messages between Dec 27 and Jan 5th.
Also, can someone explain whether in reality there is any difference between posting to the forum or to the list? I have assumed that mail sent to either should automatically arrive in the other, but with these mail problems it's been
hard to tell if this is really happening.
I posted a message (to the list) asking for help using hbtpathy on Jan 5th but I don't see it anywhere.

Francesco Saverio Giudice wrote:
Hi Maurilio,

there was a problem on Harbour mailing list that Phil (thanks again) has solved from 5th of january.
You can find lost messages on harbour mailing list archive.

Best Regards


Il 07/01/2009 9.34, Maurilio Longo ha scritto:
Hi all,

as subject says, what happened? I did not receive messages from december the
20th to january the 5th.

I've seen this morning a warning from the mailing list of excessive bouncings
of my address, which is just impossible since I'm subscribed to several
mailing list which kept delivering messages to my address during the whole
'black out' period.

Best regards.


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