But it works here too, and returns this erro.-2 should not be running.

Itamar M. Lins Jr.

"Szakáts Viktor" <harbour...@syenar.hu> 
escreveu na mensagem news:eaea62e3-3a36-4f55-8e59-8b9a90517...@syenar.hu...
Hi Itamar,

It works here. Are you sure the printer name is a valid one?


On 2009.05.27., at 12:56, Itamar Lins wrote:

> Hi!
> This part of my code is working, but returns this error.
> nRet := PrintFileRaw(cPrint,cArq,'Pedido') //return -2 but run ok :-(
> if nRet < 1
>    cMsg := 'Erro Imprimindo: '
>   SWITCH nRet
>      CASE -1
>         cMsg += "Invalid parameters passed to function" ; EXIT
>      CASE -2
>         cMsg += "WinAPI OpenPrinter() call failed"      ; EXIT
>      CASE -3
>         cMsg += "WinAPI StartDocPrinter() call failed"  ; EXIT
>      CASE -4
>         cMsg += "WinAPI StartPagePrinter() call failed" ; EXIT
>      CASE -5
>         cMsg += "WinAPI malloc() of memory failed"      ; EXIT
>      CASE -6
>         cMsg += "Arquivo " + cArq + " não Localizado"   ; EXIT
>      END
>  MsgInfo(cMsg) //WinAPI OpenPrinter() call failed
> EndIf
> Regards,
> Itamar M. Lins Jr.
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