On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 6:47 PM, Mindaugas
Kavaliauskas<dbto...@dbtopas.lt> wrote:

> I want to share some more ideas (and code) about uhttpd development.
> All pro and cons, and any brainstorming is very welcome.

I'm trying to follow another approach with similar goals: using the
web browser as "GUI client" but I'm trying to save as much code as

So instead of "mimic" typical web server pattern, I link a small http
server to "every" exe.
When the exe starts it loads the browser at the address<userport>.
In this way all the code that doesn't touch the screen can be easily
reused with few or no changes.

Clearly this kind of solution is for a known and small ( 1-200 )
numbers of users.

So far I've tried two interfaces: Mozilla XUL that allows a look and
feel very close to a normal desktop app and a full HTML/AJAX interface
based on JQueryUI + plugins.

best regards,
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