1) Passing DYNDIRLIST_BASE to lower level make instance
2) the dynlib creation rules.

To rule out 1), you may try moving DYNDIRLIST_BASE assignment
lines from source/Makefile to source/dynlib/Makefile. If that
works we still need to solve passing these values to mt/Makefile,
which means they'll need to be copied to some global .mk file
and included.

Same error

Okay this is good news.

2) needs some tweaking, but it's very difficult to suggest
anything. I don't understand why it doesn't work now.

It is passing something to a new shell, as you can see

make[3]: spawnvpe: environment space might be exhausted
make[3]: execvp: D:\OS2\CMD.EXE: Invalid argument
make[3]: spawn: Invalid argument
make[2]: *** [descend] Error 2
make[1]: *** [dynlib] Error 2
make: *** [source] Error 2

it called spawn, which passed something to a new cmd.exe which refused it as
'invalid argument'.

Maybe the 'environment space may be exhausted' is bogus! Is it possibile to
print out the command that gets passed to the new instance of cmd.exe?

Try 'os2-make -debug=j' or 'os2-make -d'


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