Hi Pritpal,

Is this a property of QT itself, or the property of
Harbour wrappers?

It is a property of Qt itself.
I have made extensive experiments as far as Harbour's
parameter passing is concerned and have reached to the
conclusion that it is harmless. Experiments with Qt's
object destruction has given me weired results.
For example:

  oRect := QRect():new( 20,20,30,400 )
  ? oRect:left()  => 20
  ? oRect:top()  => 20
  ? oRect:right() => 30
  ? oRect:bottom() => 400

  Qt_QRect_destroy( oRect )
  ? oRect:left()  => 4534342  ( a long figure )
  ? oRect:top()  => 8967354  ( another long figure )
  ? oRect:right() => 30
  ? oRect:bottom() => 400


     delete hbqt_par_QRect( 1 );
     //  OR/AND
     hbqt_par_QRect( 1 )->~QRect();

So even after destroy, oRect is an active pointer and
only firts two slots are pointing to garbase. In theory
after destroying it it should raise som error or appln
must hang, but results are contrary.

Though I have not given up, YET, on this issue,
but at the face value ( till now ) it appears we cannot
use Harbour-Qt for production level applications.

NOTE: struggle is still on to overcome it.

Thanks for the explanation and details.

Could it be that QT uses some sort of lazy freeing of the
objects (f.e. to keep user apps not crash when doing object
access after freeing, and/or to maintain compatibility with
earlier QT lib releases, or there could be others reasons
also), so that actual freeing happens only later in a
"gc-like" phase? If so, maybe there is a way to control that
directly or indirectly.

Looks like an issue which would make QT unsuitable for
a lot of uses (embedded systems), so I'd guess they have
solved this issue somehow.

Some easy googling gave this result:

This might help understanding its internals.


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