On Thu, 17 Sep 2009, Horodyski Marek (PZUZ) wrote:

Hi Marek,

> >> Please test the /p option in Harbour. 
> >> Very often the resulting file is incomplete.
> >I haven't heard about such situation and I quite often use /p.
> >Can you present any example?
> Yes.
> Pls test with include in body function.
> For example test.prg :
> Proc main()
> #include 'inkey.ch'
> Cls
> @ 12, 10 say 'cos tam'
> Inkey( 0)
> Return
> After harbour test.prg /p, in test.ppo is only :
> Proc main()
> Its all.

I can see perfectly well generated test.ppo file.
I can only guess that you do not have valid INCLUDE
directory with inkey.ch so compilation is interrupted at:
   t81.prg(2) Error F0029  Can't open #include file 'inkey.ch'
and for unknown for me reason you ignored this error message and
send bug report instead of fixing you environment settings.
Am I right?
If yes then then please explain me what you are asking for?

best regards,
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