This is what I get when I run make clean:

! Building Harbour 2.0.0beta3 from source -
! MAKE: make 3.81 /bin/sh  s
! HB_INSTALL_PREFIX: /opt/harbour
! HB_CONTRIBLIBS: hbct hblog hbxml hbmzip hbtip hbvpdf hbgd hbpgsql
hbcurl hbmysql hbsqlit3 hbssl hbodbc
! HB_EXTERNALLIBS: zlib pcre sqlite3
! HB_HOST_PLAT: linux (x86)  HB_SHELL: sh
! HB_PLATFORM: linux (x86) (autodetected)
! HB_COMPILER: gcc (autodetected: /usr/bin/)
! Component: 'zlib' found in
/media/sda5/dvl/src/ws/harbour/external/zlib (local)
! Component: 'pcre' found in
/media/sda5/dvl/src/ws/harbour/external/pcre (local)
! Component: 'openssl' found in /usr/include
! Component: 'gpm' explicitly disabled
! Component: 'slang' explicitly disabled
! Component: 'curses' not found
! Component: 'x11' found in /usr/include
! Component: 'wattcp/watt-32' not supported on linux platform
! REVISION: exported

is it correct that sqlite3 doesn't shows "local" like:
! Component: 'zlib' found in
/media/sda5/dvl/src/ws/harbour/external/zlib (local)
! Component: 'pcre' found in
/media/sda5/dvl/src/ws/harbour/external/pcre (local)

my goal is to be sure I'm using "local" dir ( and not sqlite-dev
packages ) and to have it in the libharbour*.so

best regards,
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