On Thu, 24 Sep 2009, elart wrote:


> I think i might have something to dress into the /usr/bin/hbmk.cfg conf
> file.
> and there be something wrong during install process of harbour because it
> change the /usr/include tree files and dirs permissions.

Viktor, Marco is right here. I haven't noticed it so far. I've only
seen similar problem with strip but because you removed 'strip *' command
from postinst.sh I haven't wrote about it.
I see that you copied from mpkg_tgz.sh/harbour.spec to postinst.ch
this line:
   chmod 644 $HB_INC_INSTALL/*
It has to be removed.
Both mpkg_tgz.sh and harbour.spec were working on local directories
only so it was safe to make such trick but here you are operating on
real system directories so it's very serious bug which have to be fixed.

There is also problem with current mpkg_tgz.sh. It was always operating
on local directories only so user could execute it from non root account.
Now it operates on real system directories so it's not possible to
create packages without write permissions to system directories and
creating packages makes also hidden upgrade of Harbour system wide

best regards,
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