On Thu, 01 Oct 2009, Chen Kedem wrote:


> The following patch was submitted to our bug tracker:
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2871130&group_id=681&atid=300681
> Anonymous wrote:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> In ads1.c (adsOpen function call), when a DD is used, there are instances
> where free table access might still be desired. This fix solves the problem
> by introducing a second call to AdsOpenTable after the inital call fails to
> find the free table in the DD. This procedure was commented on by Alex Wong
> in the Advantage.xHarbour newsgroup with his approval. See comment with my
> name Andy Ross in the source to locate the change.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Please review and apply if it is the correct solution.

1. it's for old code with bugs which were fixed
2. if 1-st call to AdsOpenTable() success then uninitialized fRetry
   is used as loop stop condition so the behavior is random and depends
   on C stack context - potentialy it's infinit loop.
   Classic example why clear indenting is necessary - due to dropped
   indenting very serious bug cannot be seen immediately.
3. for non ADS_DATABASE_CONNECTION it repeates exactly the same call
   which fail before so the next one will also fail
4. fixing above problems is trivial but still the final modification
   can be source of very serious problems when free tables with the
   same names as the ones in DD exists. If for some reasons DD tables
   cannot be accessed, i.e. they are open in exclusive mode by other
   clients then silently the free tables are open instead without
   any information for user what may cause that important data will
   be stored in temporary tables which will be removed later or some
   other similar bad things. In such context the argument that free
   tables are usable sometimes we have to revert to "free tables are
   very danger" and we will havew to fix above "fix".
5. it still does not allow to control by programmer table location
   and DD has higher priority hiding free tables with the same name.

if ADS users really need such functionality then current
code allows to access free tables using different connections and
connection can be passed as dbUseArea() parameter.
Anyhow if it's still not enough for and users wants to use the
same connection then we can add option to force free table access
by some function or using new ADS* RDD which will inherit from
ADS. The second version allows to use COPY TO / APPEND FROM
between free tables and DD using the same table names.

best regards,
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