On Fri, 09 Oct 2009, Itamar Lins wrote:
> After searching this problem for a few hours... normal to the learner, got 
> the following result.
> proc main()
> field f
> local inicio, fim
> set date to brit
> set epoch to 1970
> dbcreate("_tst",{{"F","D",8,0}})
> use _tst
> dbappend(); f := ctod('22/09/09')
> dbappend(); f := ctod('23/09/09')
> dbappend(); f := ctod('28/09/09')
> dbappend(); f := ctod('28/09/09')
> close all
> use _tst new alias 't1' shared
> use _tst new alias 't2' shared
>       inicio := ctod('22/09/09')
>       fim    := ctod('22/09/09')
>       while !t1->(eof())
>         ? t1->(recno()), t1->f
>         t1->(dbskip())
>       enddo
>       ?
>       set filter to t1->f >= inicio .and. t1->f <= fim
>       t1->(dbgotop())
>       while !t1->(eof())
>          ? t1->(recno()), t1->f
>          t1->(dbskip())
>       enddo
>    return
> Please comment shared option while open dbf file.
> use _tst new alias 't1'
> use _tst new alias 't2'
> try again.

If you need any help then please start testing your examples with
Clipper. It's the last time when I'm answering for message with
not verified problems.
The above code compiled by Harbour, xHarbour and Clipper gives
exactly the same results.

         1 22/09/09
         2 23/09/09
         3 28/09/09
         4 28/09/09

         1 22/09/09
         2 23/09/09
         3 28/09/09
         4 28/09/09

what is perfect behavior because you are setting filter on 'T2' area
but skip test is done on 'T1'.
I think that such messages should be sent to Harbour user group.
The developer list is not the place to learn Clipper programming.

best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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