On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Lorenzo Fiorini wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Przemyslaw Czerpak <dru...@acn.waw.pl> wrote:
> > Please simply modify above example and instead of 'echo $@' use
> > 'echo "$@: "', i.e.:
> >      ( echo "$@: " ; hbcmp $(PRGFLAGS) -q2 -sm $? ) > $(?:.prg=.d)
> It doesn't work when I use it in prg -> o hbcmp.

There is no difference on the harbour side (I intentionally did not
add "<destination.exe>: " to dependencies list generated by harbour
compiler to not move such problems to compiler code) so the problem
is in your Makefile.

> make stop with Error 1 on the first prg but it works if I use make -i
> ( ignore error )
> I can't really see the difference ( beside the fact that it creates .o
> instead of .hrb ).

And for harbour compiler and hb* scripts such difference does not
exists so it has to be sth in your Makefile settings.
I cannot help you without seeing your exact Makefile code.
(I guess you added -n to above echo command).

best regards,
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