On Wed, 28 Oct 2009, Przemysław Czerpak wrote:

 > >  > hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_WINTITLE, "string with accented chars" )
 > >  > doesn't seem to respect app CP (like now f.e. GTWVT does)
 > >  > with GTXWC, accented chars don't appear correctly in title
 > >  > bar.
 > >  > I tried to fix it by converting to UTF8 in gtxwc.c, but I
 > >  > may be missing something as it's still not right.
 > > this is a shot in the dark, but anyway.
 > > try adding
 > > XChangeProperty( wnd->dpy, wnd->window,
 > >    XInternAtom( wnd->dpy, "_NET_WM_NAME", False ),
 > >    XInternAtom( wnd->dpy, "UTF8_STRING", False ),
 > >    8, PropModeReplace, wnd->szTitle, strlen( wnd->szTitle ));
 > > right after calling XStoreName() in gtxwc.c (line 2965).
 > It will work and in such case it should be enough to replace
 > XStoreName() with above XChangeProperty().
 > But I'm interesting why you used _NET_WM_NAME property instead
 > of WM_NAME used by XStoreName().

net_wm_hints is supposed to be a newer standard than wm_hints (and 
it's probably there for a reason). now, i don't know too much about x 
programming, but i suppose that everything alive now speak net_wm, so 
it just seemed natural.

 > Anyhow for final version I suggest to use XSetWMName() instead
 > of manually update properties:

according to the good old man, xsetwmname() sets wm_name, thus my 
manual way of setting net_wm_name instead.

but whichever you see fit, i guess. if wm_name works too, without side 
effects, then so be it.

 >    if( wnd->fDspTitle )
 >    {
 >       wnd->fDspTitle = FALSE;
 >       if( wnd->szTitle )
 >       {
 >          ULONG ulLen = hb_cdpStringInUTF8Length( wnd->hostCDP, TRUE, 
 > wnd->szTitle, strlen( wnd->szTitle ) );
 >          char * pBuffer = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( ulLen + 1 );
 >          XTextProperty text;
 >          hb_cdpStrnToUTF8( wnd->hostCDP, TRUE, wnd->szTitle, strlen( 
 > wnd->szTitle ), pBuffer );
 >          text.value = ( unsigned char * ) pBuffer;
 >          text.encoding = s_atomUTF8String;
 >          text.format = 8;
 >          text.nitems = strlen( pBuffer );
 >          XSetWMName( wnd->dpy, wnd->window, &text );
 >          hb_xfree( pBuffer );
 >       }
 >       else
 >          XStoreName( wnd->dpy, wnd->window, "" );
 >    }
 > best regards,
 > Przemek
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