Hello Barry,
Message: 3
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 2009 12:31:41 +0000
From: Barry Jackson <zen25...@zen.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Harbour] Re: DbSeek() Problem with latest SVN
To: harbour@harbour-project.org
Message-ID: <4af80bad.1050...@zen.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

On 09/11/09 06:40, Mario H. Sabado wrote:
> Hi Przemek,
> Mario H. Sabado wrote:
>> Hi Przemek,
>> I had encountered problem with the latest SVN with DbSeek(). It always
>> return .F. in my case after reindexing and re-creating index. I'm
>> using DBFNTX and BCC62 under WinXP SP3.
>> Thanks for any advise.
>> Best regards,
>> Mario
> I'm guessing it does not accept partial index key? For example I have an
> index key of ACCT_SRC+ACCT_NO and I only specify a valid value for
> ACCT_SRC will always return .F. Same case with single index key using
> partial valid value returns .F.
> Thanks,
> Mario
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If SOFTSEEK is .T. or lsoftseek .T. is passed to dbseek() then the record pointer will land on the record you need. A check of eof()=.F. will indicate whether a partial match was found. Otherwise eof() returns .T.
Thank you for the suggestion. Greatly appreciated. It was already fixed by Przemek's recent update.

Best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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