>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pritpal Bedi [mailto:bediprit...@hotmail.com] 
>Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 10:55 PM
>To: harbour@harbour-project.org
>Subject: Re: [Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[13116] 


>Please note that, and do not request for, HBIDE will not 
>support abbreviated 
>Clipper compatible KEYWORDS. So Function => FUNction etc will 
>be recognized,
>but NOT Func => FUNc => FUNct etc. xMate also does not support it.

Andy Wos was add this functionality as well as below in the xMate like him 
enough time, but unfortunately he was never enough :(
He was a product that could be used for editing programs ( from 1989 year) - 
called MaxThink.
He did not show the interior loop, or other structures, highlight it just a 
different color on the screen.
To see what is there, it was necessary to reach there.
These sources show a closer komendom implementation, and allows for more 
efficient writing complex algorithms.
The screen looks something like this:
1 :
  0  Static Status := { '', 0, 0, { || .f.}, 0, .f.} //, zegarek♦
   -►  1  Function KodKlaw( s, d) // czaS, Domyslny_kod_klawisza♦
       2  Function KeyLock( ns)♦

Upon entry to the function KodKlaw :
  1  Function KodKlaw( s, d) // czaS, Domyslny_kod_klawisza♦
   -►  1  * include&define♦
       2  MEMVAR safescreen♦
       3  Local q := SECONDS(), t := Zegarek(), tm, v := V(), ko := Ko()♦
       4  Local e, x, l, o, co := SetColor(), k := 0 /*InKey()*/, cb, g♦
       5  Local r := Row(), c := Col(), m := SetCursor()♦
       6  Local ss := "SYSTEM_M"♦
       7  DEFAULT s TO 0, d TO 0♦
       8  // Mouse_On()♦
       9  WHILE k == 0♦
      10  END♦
      11  SetColor( co) ; SetCursor( m) ; SetPos( r, c) //; Mouse_Off()♦
      12  RETURN k♦

Upon entry to the WHILE k == 0 :
  9  WHILE k == 0♦
   -►  1  If     Status[ Macro] == ExecuteMacro♦
       2  ElseIf ( k := INKEY()) != 0♦
       3  ElseIf t != ( tm := TIME()) .AND. ++Status[ StukPuk] == 3600♦
       4  End♦
       5  If     k == 0♦
       6  ElseIf k < 0 .AND. Przedzial( K_ALT_F6, k, K_ALT_F4) .OR. k == 
       7  End♦
       8  IF Przedzial( K_ALT_Q, k, K_ALT_M) .AND. Status[ ALTKeyLock]♦
       9  END♦
      10  IF t != tm .OR. s % 1 > 0♦
      11  END♦
      12  OL_Yield()♦
Maybe this could be to implement in the HBIDE?
I hope that the text in googleEnglish is understandable:)

Marek Horodyski
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