
>> 'SET( _SET_CODEPAGE, "UTF8" )' does't work, it leaves CP in previous setting.
>   2009-09-11 20:37 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
>       + added pseduto codepage "UTF8" which can be used in trnaslations only
>                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> "UTF8" is not normal codepage. It does not support any national extensions.
> like national collation or characters.

Ok I see. Although this also means that I can't use 
it as native CP in an application.

You seem to have suggested that any app may use UTF-8 
even now. But maybe I misunderstood something. I understand 
this needs UTF-8 sorting support (for ASORT(), <, > operators, 
maybe else, plus these things in RDD, if DBCODEPAGE is 
left to default also), which we don't have.

Although maybe we should protection to now allow to use 
UTF-8 in _SET_DBCODEPAGE and RDD CP parameters extensions.


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